How to make a video
At the time of writing this, we’re in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Not an ideal time to be a filmmaker but (in the words of every Love Island contestant ever) “it is what it is!”.
We’re socially isolating and keeping our staff safe by limiting onsite record to absolutely zero. It’s not worth the risk. We’re staying indoors and staying safe. Plus, Stu and his partner Cara have had a baby (super-cute Ralph) so he’s staying safely indoors with his tribe (Stu, Cara, Ralph and pooch Frank).
Instead, we’re helping our clients reach new and existing audiences through the power of video. You probably guessed that, right?
Some of our clients are a dab-hand at film and, for others, it’s their worst nightmare.
Here are our top tips to help you create your own video, using your smart phone.
- Film landscape: This ensures your phone records full frame and you don’t end up with those pesky black bars either side.
- Close but obviously not too close: Stay close to your subject to pick up clear audio: Obviously, this only applies to those that you are self-isolating with. Stay at home and stay safe.
- Lights, camera, action: Record in a well-lit room or daylight for a nice clear image: Avoid dark rooms, low light situations and don’t use the flash on your phone (unless you have a super-fancy phone capable of decent night shots).
- Use the gridlines on your phone camera: Line yourself or your subject up with the grid to make sure you are centre of the frame.
- Focus: Click the middle of the screen to make sure your subject is in focus (a little box will appear) and never zoom in. Nobody wants to see an extreme close-up.
- Check your phone video settings: You may have 1080HD and 4K options to give your video a more professional look. Be careful with the 4k, it’ll drain your memory. If you use 1080HD, set your frame rate to 30fps.
- Steady with it: Use a mobile tripod, clamp or anything that you can fashion from the stuff in your house to hold your phone still. We’re heard that making a little stand from two-clothes pegs and elevating your phone on piles of books works a treat.
- Keep it short: Don’t record long pieces. Record in segments that you can put together and reuse for a variety of edits. Long pieces often mean bored audiences and rapid loss of phone memory.
- Get creative: Try different angles, background and props to make it more engaging. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t always have to film yourself in front of a bookcase.
- Selfie Slow-Mo, No No! Don’t film yourself talking in slow-mo you will just look weird. Save it for action shots to accompany your video.
- Finally, don’t forget to clean your camera lens before you start!
Oh and by the way. We’re offering an edit-only service for a limited time only while this whole thing blows over. If you’ve got existing footage taken by you, us or anyone else. We can edit it into something fresh and exciting.
No footage? No problem. We’ll give you a DIY shot-list to create content for your business from the safety of your own home.
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